3 Things to Know About Air Strippers and Your Environment

Air StrippersAir Stripping technology can be found in many industries and applications. This equipment is used to clean water in factories, drinking water facilities, waste cleanup sites, and anywhere that contaminated water is found. If you work in an industrial field that deals with things like petroleum, dirty groundwater, or harmful contaminants, chances are you have utilized Air Stripping Technology. Air stripping solutions use air passing through contaminated water to remove -- or strip -- chemicals known as “volatile organic compounds” (VOCs). Because of their chemical makeup, these VOCs can transfer from liquid to gas and be removed from water easily. These towers are also used to remove dissolved gasses such as CO2, H2S, and Radon.

Air strippers are useful in a variety of industrial capacities. Here are three things you should know about air strippers.

  1. Groundwater and Surface Water: Since the principles of Aeration and Mass Transfer don't change depending on the water source, air strippers can be used to clean both groundwater and surface water that may be contaminated. When used with groundwater this process is typically referred to as a pump-and-treat remediation system.
  1. Efficient and Environmentally Friendly: Air stripping solutions are environmentally friendly because they use aeration to force harmful chemicals out of water sources, protecting the user of the water or location the water is discharged back into the environment.  Packed-column strippers are the most common type of air strippers. These are cylindrical towers filled with a packing material where water is distributed and exposed to the air.
  1. The Delta Advantage: Delta Cooling Towers Inc. offers premier air stripping technology in our patented Vanguard® Air Strippers. With available sizes up to 15-foot diameter and capacities of up to 4000 GPM per column, these units are some of the most innovative and efficient on the market as displayed by our 600+ installations worldwide.  Air stripper installations can be found to have a positive effect on almost everyone’s quality of life, be it at the local factory or manufacturing facility or cleaning the drinking water before it flows from the tap at home.

At Delta, we may be best known for our standard cooling tower systems, but we have also been providing quality air stripping solutions for over 25 years. If you're looking for water remediation technology for the removal of organic solvents, chlorinated hydrocarbons, fuel/gasoline hydrocarbons, degreasers, and certain other volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), look no further than the Delta Vanguard® Air Stripping Tower. Click here to learn more about our air stripper product or click here to get a quote.

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